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Andy and I are proud to announce that our baby girl, Harper Marie, was born on February 27th, 2012. Andy and I are excited to start a new adventure into parenthood!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Laundry Time!!

Harper is getting familiar with the washer and dryer so hopefully she can help out with laundry sooner than later!!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Boo At The Zoo

Grandma Mehlhaff got us all hooked up with VIP passes to boo at the zoo and it was an awesome time! We made it thru in record time and Harper loved all the spooky people! Boo!

Roca Berry Farm

Grandma & Grandpa Mehlhaff, Aunt Kati, Uncle Jacob, and Gracie went with us to the pumpkin patch. Harper got to go on her first hay rack ride. We had a fun day with the family!


Harper's first Halloween... She was the cutest Zebra you will ever find!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

We're Back!!


After a slight hiatus we are back in full swing! Life has really been crazy lately with a very ACTIVE 7 month old, work, building a new house, and life in general. Harper is now sitting like crazy and it will definitely be any day now and she will be crawling! She loves to pull herself up to things and roll, roll, roll. She loves her bouncer and jump, jump, jumping! She is in about the 80th percentile for height, weight, and head circumference....therefore she is eating well! Feeding herself now and she definitely loves her puffs, I believe nearly as much as her daddy does! :o) They are pretty tasty! Harper loves daycare, especially spending time with her favorite cousin, Grace. (Oh, and spending time with her Grammy, too!) She is so full of character, laughs every second, wakes up so happy every morning! We are just so in love with our little angel!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Whistle while I work!

Harper already loves doing laundry! Or atleast sitting in the basket anyway! Hopefully she will enjoy this chore when she is older, cause her mommy sure hates doing it!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

It's feeding time!

Harper started rice cereal after her 4 month appointment. She is now eating 2 "meals" a day and is getting better with it. Atleast she doesn't make faces like we are killing her anymore! :o)

Harper and Hattie! BFFs!